Saturday 23 August 2014

Purple lanterns.

We needed to do millions on lanterns to decorate the venue of Kira's wedding ceremony.

In many references of some festivals in Japan, Designer found some lantern photos and wanted to go ahead of making millions.
We wanted some cerebrating letters - as happiness, cerebration etc. And with Kira's purple colours.
We ordered many of them from Nagano, Japan and Painters started to ‘aging’ them and put some purples on top and bottom. Then they are carried to my working space.

Put each letters on front and back, and then circles on sides.
I knew this but never easy to make any vertical or diagonal lines on this surface.... Feeling ages to finish one - but we need them over 200!

I worked over weekends or bank holidays (it was Royal Wedding of William & Kate). But without any helping hand it felt like never ending task...

Once I finished they take them outside to put some ‘frame like lights’ in them and hang them in position on the set.
I wanted to put the different sort of script ones next each other so that they look different but there was no time for me to direct them to do so, and once then put the cable through, its too time consuming to change positions.

But it looks great on the screen with some festival feelings. I think I've done 140+ in the end, not making the initial aim. Glad they look okay and all over....!

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